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Frequently asked questions

Following are some commonly asked questions about Hack The DMV and our community. If you have any additional specific questions we would love to hear from you. Email us at Info@HackTheDMV.com.

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Website Content

Are your maps and videos accurate?

The content on our site is a combination of content supplied by our teen community, along with local and state DMV information. The route maps and videos that our users can access is proprietary to our website, along with all of the great tips and advice that teens post on our forum.

Many DMV websites provide a lot of useful information for teen drivers. But often this information is buried within complicated websites that have to support a lot of content around drivers licensing, title transfers and other services. We try to make it simply by curating content and providing links to DMV information of interest to our viewers.

For the record, we are not affiliated in any official way with any state or local governments.

Our state does not have a DMV. We have a [fill in the blank].

Yep, we know that.  Although ‘DMV’ (Department of Motor Vehicles) is the most recognized term for entities that provide services related to drivers licensing, other terms are used in many states.   The alphabet soup includes DOT (Department of Transport), RMV (Registry of Motor Vehicles), BDS (Bureau of Drivers Services) and many others.  

In addition, some states continue to use local high school-based programs for teen driving, or have certified 3rd party testing centers which are typically associated with a licensed drivers education schools in that state.   And finally, there are a handful of state where road tests are conducted by State Police or similar state agencies.  

Bottom line is we use the term DMV as generic term, the actual entity in your state may vary.

DMV test route maps FAQ Image

DMV Test Route Maps and Videos

Are your maps and videos accurate?

Yes and no. Depending on your location, routes can change frequently, simply due to driver’s license examiner preferences or to take into account local driving conditions and traffic. In most cases, the maps reflect the general areas, streets used and often the exact routes.

How do you source your maps and videos?

From teen drivers just like you.  

Hack The DMV is built around the idea that teens will help each other by sharing information that will help other teens feel more confident before their test.  We rely on our community to come up with maps, and to verify that the ones we have are still accurate. 

Teens who submit maps or dashcam videos will be rewarded with some awesome Hack The DMV swag along with the eternal gratitude of other teens in your area.  For instructions on how to submit route turn-by-turn directions, maps or videos, see our Contact Us section. 

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Registration Requirements

Am I required to be registered on the site?

You don’t have to be registered in order to view any of our content. However, in order to post in our Discussion Forums (which we hope you do), you will need to set up a minimalist registration (nickname, email, avatar icon) in order for us to support the posting.

OK, so why do you need my email address?

We are asking for email addresses in case we need to contact someone who has posted content on our site that we need more background on.

We will NOT use your email address other than for us to connect with you.  Your email will never be visible on the site, and we will never sell any of your information.  We promise. 

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